Your financial partnership will allow our homeless ministry to continue to spread the LOVE of JESUS to the homeless, addicted, and broken.
You can partner via zelle, cashapp and paypal using the links below.
You can also partner by mailing a check to:
Urban Outreach
4320 Michigan Avenue
Covington, KY 41015
Log into your Kroger rewards account and search for Urban Outreach NKY Cincinnati or enter our account number 43167. Urban Outreach will receive a quarterly check from Kroger and there is no impact on your family's personal fuel rewards.
Log into your Amazon account using the URL Choose "Your Account" on the top of any page. Select "Change your Charity" and search for Urban Outreach NKY & Cincinnati, Inc. All future shopping should be done through the web address Urban Outreach will receive a quarterly check from Amazon based on this support.
We accept donations of gently used furniture to provide to our friends after they receive housing. If you have furniture to donate please fill out the contact us section and we will be in touch!